The Climate Emergency is one of the greatest threats facing our planet. 80% of the people displaced by climate change around the world are women. Plan International is working to address the effects of climate change on developing countries by supporting communities, particularly girls, to build resilience to climate change.

On this page you will find critical research Plan International Canada has done in the area of climate change as it relates to our work.

From the frontlines report cover

From the frontlines: Youth call for action to address loss and damage caused by climate change, October 2022

The climate crisis is causing severe damage and irreversible loss to people and the planet. Extreme weather events, including floods, storms, droughts, heat waves and wildfires, are becoming more frequent and more severe every year. The stakes are high for today’s youth – the largest youth generation in history – and the ones who will bear the biggest burden of loss and damage.

This brief examines the meaning and impact of loss and damage through an intersectional, youth-centred, gender-equality lens. It presents an urgent call to action with four key recommendations leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), November 6-18, 2022.

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Girls’ rights in climate strategies report cover

Girls’ rights in climate strategies

The effects of climate change also make gender inequality worse. This means women face greater risks to their lives, health and livelihoods than men. Children too are vulnerable and are at higher risk than adults of illness, injury and the psycho-social trauma associated with climate-related issues.

When these vulnerabilities intersect, it is girls and young women, especially those from marginalized communities in the least developed countries, who will suffer the most. Governments must protect girls' rights. The full research report has been developed by Plan International alongside The Brookings Institution* and UNICEF. The advocacy brief has been produced by Plan International and includes calls-to-action for governments and wider society to ensure girls' rights are included in climate action.

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Climate change, young women and girls: Northern Thailand report cover

Climate change, young women and girls: Northern Thailand

This report presents findings of research conducted in the Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai provinces in Northern Thailand, conducted by Plan International in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute as part of an International Climate Initiative (IKI) project.

Despite research into some of the impacts and vulnerabilities of children in this context, there has been a lack of research on the intersectionality of girls and young women’s climate vulnerability, particularly in ethnic minority contexts. This study was designed to address this crucial knowledge gap.

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