Championing Girls’ Rights Through Action and Impact

Discover the powerful impact of our initiatives in advancing the rights and opportunities for girls worldwide. Our Annual Review and Impact Reports reflect a year of progress and the tangible outcomes we’ve achieved through dedication and partnership.

Dive into our featured project, which highlights innovative solutions to challenges faced by girls in education, health, and leadership. Each report and project underscores our commitment to creating a more just and equal world, where every girl has the chance to succeed.

Featured Projects

Embedded Storytellers Program
Filmmaker Aimalohi Ojeamiren films the young Salma for their mini-documentary. Filmmaker Aimalohi Ojeamiren films the young Salma for their mini-documentary.

Our Embedded Storytellers program works with locally-based filmmakers and photographers around the world to capture stories about girls’ rights and the people who champion them – told in their own words.

Check out our most recent mini-documentaries. 

Watch now

Advocacy for Youth by Youth
youth advocates youth advocates

Governments aren’t on track to deliver on what the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promised they’d reach by 2030, especially as they affect adolescent health and well-being. That’s why we partnered with young activists in seven countries to help them dial up the pressure and lobby for change. Together, did we make a difference?

In this special report, we’ll tell you about the project, highlight the most pressing issues adolescents face and put a spotlight on why the world is lagging in meeting the SDGs.

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Annual Report

annual report cover

See all that we accompolished together in our 2023 Annual report.

Read Annual Report

Impact Reports

Impact reports cover

In our reports you will learn about our global projects and the positive changes taking place in the lives of children, especially girls.

Read our Impact Reports

2023 impact highlights from Plan International and Plan International Canada

Plan International Canada is a member of a global organization dedicated to advancing children’s rights and equality for girls. This is the collective impact of Plan’s 132 active projects in 53 countries.

View and read our impact reports

Plan International GLOBAL

41.6 million

children, including 22.2 million girls, were reached by Plan International’s work.

Plan International GLOBAL


30 million

children and adults reached by our sexual and reproductive health and rights work.

Humanitarian Response & Resilience

22.4 million

children and adults, including 5.2 million girls, were helped through our work with communities experiencing crises.

Protection from Violence

13.8 million

children and adults were reached through gender-sensitive child-protection programs.

Girls studying


10.5 million

children and adults received inclusive quality education.

Economic Empowerment

3.9 million

children and adults gained skills and had opportunities for youth employment and entrepreneurship.


4.3 million

girls received better access to education.

Child Sponsorship

1 million

sponsors supported 1.1 million children in 15,670 communities around the world.

Plan International CANADA

9.3 million

people, including 6.2 million children (3.2 million girls), were reached by Plan International Canada’s work.


7.2 million

people, including 3.6 million women and girls, received health care and information.


1.1 million

children and adults, including 460,290 girls, received inclusive quality education.

Humanitarian Response & Resilience


children and adults, including 224,000 girls, were reached by Plan International Canada’s humanitarian-response work.

Plan International CANADA

Protection From Violence


people, including 82,080 girls and 65,910 women, were protected from harm, such as abuse and exploitation.

Child Sponsorship


children were supported by 108,760 sponsors in Canada.

Youth Leadership


youths in Canada participated in youth- engagement initiatives.

Generous Supporters


Gifts of Hope were purchased by ethical gift givers, for a total of $5.6 million.

Second act

Kumba stars in our new mini-doc Second Acts. She is one of 900 young women in our teaching training program in Sierra Leone.


Plan International Canada’s Impact Highlights*

health icon Health
Health expenditures



people were reached by 39 projects with $111.9 million invested.


children, adolescents and adults accessed improved health services.


people received sexual and reproductive health and rights education with a focus on gender equality.


lives of children under age 5 were saved after 3.3 million mosquito nets were distributed, preventing malaria.

humanitarian icon Humanitarian Response & Resilience
Humanitarian expenditures



people were reached by 60 projects with $50.5 million invested.


metric tons of food were distributed to fight hunger.


children and adults accessed life-saving/critical services and facilities in a humanitarian context.


children and adults received emergency cash, vouchers and food distribution.

educationicon Education
Humanitarian expenditures



people were reached by 21 projects with$39.5 million invested.


young people received improved formal and informal education training.


girls in Burkina Faso received financial support to continue their education.


women in Sierra Leone are working as teachers after completing our training program.

youth icon Youth Leadership And Economic Empowerment
youth expenditures



people were reached by eight projects with $22.6 million invested.


youth and adults participated in savings groups or other microfinance programs.


adolescents and adults were trained on financial literacy and entrepreneurship.


training graduates in Ghana formally registered their businesses.

youth icon Protection From Violence
youth expenditures



people were reached by four projects with $16.1 million invested.


adults received training and info on how to prevent and respond to violence, including gender-based violence.


child-protection personnel were trained.


marriages were prevented for girls under the age of 15 in Ethiopia.

* Results and reach listed are for projects in fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023) with available data. Some projects are still in early stages and do not yet have measurable results to report or are in close-out phase. See the appendix for more impact highlights.

How you can help

Interested in supporting the cause? Check out these ways you can begin championing girls’ rights and gender equality.

girl with backpack

Sponsor a girl in Africa   

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