Education is crucial for development and one of the most powerful tools that helps children reach their full potential. Gender inequality in education contributes to unequal education outcomes for girls and young women because around the world they face barriers that keep them from going to school or staying there.

Plan International Canada works to improve access to quality and inclusive education by removing barriers and creating safe learning spaces for all children – especially girls. On this page you will find critical research Plan International Canada has done in the field of global education.

Gender responsive pedagogy and teacher training

This comprehensive teacher training pack developed by Plan International Canada provides an introduction to key gender-related issues and concepts in education, and then mainstreams gender considerations into teaching skills, including child-centered instructional methods, classroom management, lesson planning, positive discipline, evaluation and assessment and reflective practice.

 Download the report

INEE Mind the Gap report

Community learning kiosks case study, RAISE Above, Philippines (pages 29, 87)

Reimagining Girls’ Education

UNICEF WCARO Report on COVID-19 Adaptations: Featured speed schools in PASS+ Project (page 21)

UNICEF Reopening with Resilience

PASS+ case study (page 10)

When schools shut. Gendered impacts of COVID-19 school closures

UNESCO When Schools Shut Report: program experience quoted

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