A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has struck Myanmar, causing widespread devastation. Help children and families impacted by donating to the Children in Crisis Response Fund
closeWays to give
There are many ways you can help make a difference for children and girls. For example, you can make a one-time or monthly donation, buy a Gift of Hope, sponsor a child or make a lasting impact with a legacy gift.
Sponsor a child
You can help nurture the power of a child and their whole community. Begin building your lasting impact and special connection with a child today.
Give a Gift of Hope
Gifts of Hope help bring real, tangible goods and vital services to the children and communities that need them most. Shop Gifts of Hope.
Because I am a Girl
Millions of girls are denied their rights, simply because they’re girls. Your contribution to the Because I am a Girl project will provide girls and young women with platforms, opportunities and support to become leaders and make change happen.
Children in Crisis Response Fund
Donate to the Plan International Canada Children’s in Crisis Response Fund to help save lives faster than ever before.
Emergency appeals
When disaster strikes, Plan International Canada has the experience and infrastructure to respond. Your donation will help us move quickly in those first hours and days to save lives and provide safe spaces, water, food, shelter and support for children and their families, when and where it’s needed most.
Life Skills Training for Girls
Donate to help girls learn about and advocate for their rights to education, health and equality in their homes, schools and communities.
Frequently asked questions
Looking for more information? See our full FAQ.
Who is supported by Plan International Canada’s work?
As a member of a global organization dedicated to advancing children’s rights and equality for girls, Plan International Canada works with communities to help reach children with life-saving support against disease and hunger and improve access to education for children worldwide. A fundamental component of this work is realizing the inequality that consequently violates girls’ rights and working with all genders to end injustices that disproportionately harm girls like gender-based violence, limited or no educational opportunities, child marriage and early pregnancy.
Learn more about the cause.
How does Plan International choose where to work?
In choosing where Plan International works, we carefully assess the potential to create lasting, positive change. We analyze poverty statistics and a wide range of human development indicators, such as literacy or infant mortality. We work with communities who have invited us to collaborate with them – an important prerequisite for work to be successful and sustained.
Decisions on how to use the funds are based on strategic plans prepared by in-country program staff in consultation with children, communities, local governments and partner organizations.
Learn more about How we work.
Can I leave a gift in my will to my sponsored child?
No, it is not possible for you to leave a gift in your will to your sponsored child. You can, however, leave a gift in your will for Plan International's Child Sponsorship programming.
Since a legacy gift is realized well into the future, and because needs and programs shift over time, your bequest will have the maximum impact for children if Plan International Canada has the flexibility to direct your gift to where the need is greatest at the time. This will allow your gift to support generations of children far into the future.
To ensure that Plan Internationa Canadal can honour your wishes and distribute your gifts as you intend, the wording of your will is important. To discuss the wording of your will, please don't hesitate to contact Lena Balkaran at (437) 828-9030 or email