Plan International Canada is implementing entrepreneurship, employment, and financial inclusion strategies in more than 25 countries around the world. These projects enable the economic empowerment of women and youth to help them succeed, become resilient and actively engaged in decent work and economic opportunities.

On this page you will find critical research Plan International Canada has done in the field of global youth empowerment.

Green skill for rural youth in South East Asia report cover

Green skill for rural youth in South East Asia

Plan International commissioned this research report to investigate the potential for green skills training in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The research revealed findings like confusion around the meaning of green skills and green jobs, rural youth being forced to move to urban centres for employment, gender bias in training programs and more.

 Download the report

Kilifi Solar Power Project report cover

Kilifi Solar Power Project

Young women in Kenya often have no savings, as they spend most of their income on their children’s food, health and education, and face challenges in accessing formal credit, since they have no assets to serve as collateral to obtain a loan.

This project report highlights our Kilifi Solar Power Project that provided affordable solar home systems (SHS) to households and ultimately looked at increasing women’s agency within their households and communities through means of economic and personal empowerment.

 Download the report

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