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$300 matched for $1200 value

Frightened. Hungry. Alone. That’s the harrowing reality for many children caught in crises and conflict. This life-saving gift bundle helps ensure they have access to food, hygiene supplies and safe shelters where they can learn, play and receive counselling support.

$300 matched for $1500 value

This is the single most important gift bundle you can give if you want to help girls lead healthy lives despite challenging circumstances. To survive and thrive, they need food and water – especially in dire situations. And they need access to health services and support if they or their families are escaping violence. This life-changing gift pack provides the essentials when they’re needed most.

$212 matched for $1060 value

We also call this the “no-stopping-her” gift bundle, because education opens boundless opportunities for women and girls. From learning to read and write to health training and digital skills, the projects your gift supports help women and girls move from the margins toward making their own bold way in the world.

$455 matched for $3185 value

We know the world isn’t an equal place, especially for girls. And that’s not acceptable. Buy this three-gift power bundle and you can help protect girls’ rights and change that imbalance by supporting projects that help keep girls in school, protect them from violence and early marriage, and teach them employment and leadership skills. It’s about girls having every chance to lead the lives they want, creating a better world for us all.

Gifts of Hope support important causes

You can feel good about giving Gifts of Hope because they work double duty: delighting your loved ones at home with an inspiring gift and supporting today’s most important causes.

Learn more about gifts of hope

6,900 +

Goats delivered benefiting 19,000+ people


PPE/hygiene items delivered to people most in need


Female health care workers accessed training

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