This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 4X.
Your $300 gift is matched 4x for a $1500 value
The Health Essentials Bundle

Gifts included in this bundle: Food Basket, Clean Water for Families, Greatest Need. This is the single most important gift bundle you can give if you want to help girls lead healthy lives despite challenging circumstances. To survive and thrive, they need food and water – especially in dire situations. And they need access to health services and support if they or their families are escaping violence. This life-changing gift pack provides the essentials when they’re needed most.

Other suggested gifts

This gift goes wherever the greatest needs are for children across more than 50 countries around the world. It provides everything from urgent and essential care for newborns to nutritious food for families to aid for communities in crises…and so much more. Give this gift to help reach those who need it most, no matter what arises.

$75 matched for $450 value

Help reach refugee and internally displaced children at the most critical time. Besides providing basic food, water, and shelter, this gift keeps children safe, reuniting them with their families and giving them hope that life will once again feel normal.

$100 matched for $900 value

Did you know that more than 400,000 people die each year from malaria? Mosquito nets that are treated with insecticide and last up to three years are a simple and effective preventative solution. This gift provides families with mosquito nets and training in how to use them. According to the World Health Organization, 95% of the world’s malaria cases are in Africa. Children under five are most at risk because they have yet to develop any immunity.

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