This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 4X.
Your $212 gift is matched 4x for a $1060 value
Education for Success Bundle

Gifts included in this bundle: Health Worker Training for Women, Digital Training for Girls, Literacy Training for Two Women. We also call this the “no-stopping-her” gift bundle, because education opens boundless opportunities for women and girls. From learning to read and write to health training and digital skills, the projects your gift supports help women and girls move from the margins toward making their own bold way in the world.

Other suggested gifts

This gift goes wherever the greatest needs are for children across more than 50 countries around the world. It provides everything from urgent and essential care for newborns to nutritious food for families to aid for communities in crises…and so much more. Give this gift to help reach those who need it most, no matter what arises.

Girl Power

8x match
$100 matched for $900 value

Girls have a unique ability to change the world and the lives of those around them. This gift is about unleashing that power in every girl. It’s about offering girls nourishment, education and protection.

$110 matched for $770 value

As climate crises threaten lives and livelihoods, young people know what needs to change. This gift gives them the tools to make it happen. With it, youth will participate in advocacy training, contribute to action plans and influence climate policy at all political levels. With this gift, you’ll help youth stand up for what’s right for our planet and future generations.

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