Life Skills Training for Girls

A girl’s future is full of possibilities when she knows what she’s capable of and can advocate for her rights.

Life Skills Training for Girls creates girls clubs in countries like Bangladesh and Tanzania, where teen girls learn about their rights and develop the tools they need to break down the gender inequalities they face daily. Led by trained facilitators who champion gender equality, the sessions help empower girls with life skills that foster independence and confidence.

In a safe and inclusive space, girls practice being assertive so that they can advocate for the sharing of household chores evenly and for their education to be considered as essential as that of boys.

The sessions also bring girls and boys together to challenge the gender norms that are prevalent in their homes and communities. They share their knowledge with their families and friends, becoming Champions of Change within their communities for upholding girls’ rights.

Program Activities

Through activities like arts, music and drama, they learn about body positivity, menstrual health and sexual health.


Girls become better equipped to understand the power of consent, protect themselves from violence and break the cycle of forced marriage, early pregnancy and poverty.

Help create clubs in countries like Bangladesh and Tanzania where teen girls learn about their rights and develop the tools they need to become leaders and break down gender inequalities.

Join us in helping empower girls to be confident about their bodies, finances, decisions, relationships and futures.

Matched 5X Calculator

Join us in helping empower girls to be confident about their bodies, finances, decisions, relationships and futures.

Support Life Skills Training for Girls today, and your donation will be matched five times. matched 5x ? Your $25 Gift is matched 5x for a $150 value

How your matched matched 5x
?Your $25 Gift is matched 5x for a $150 value
donation works to help empower girls

Three girls lead a life skills training session for their peers in the Dominican Republic on sexual health and reproductive rights. Two girls hold a poster depicting contraceptives, and one girl is speaking.

Supports girls’ knowledge of their menstrual, sexual and reproductive health and rights

Peer sessions help girls develop more awareness about their bodies. They’re empowered to challenge societal norms, break free from the cycle of early pregnancy and forced marriage and claim ownership of their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Girls march together in Benin, calling for an end to violence. One girl holds a megaphone, and others carry protest signs in the background.

Empowers girls to continue with their education and make informed decisions about their careers and futures

Training sessions help girls challenge unfair gender norms and inequality in their homes and communities, unlocking their potential for economic empowerment. They gain the confidence to demand the same opportunities that boys have in education and career choices.

 A teen boy and girl read through a Life Skills Training for Girls manual. Boys and girls alike are working together to end forced marriage in Vietnam.

Works with boys to become allies in promoting gender equality

Group and community-wide discussions between girls and boys and local leaders help dismantle gender norms like stereotypical jobs or marriage expectations so that girls have equal opportunities to thrive.

Impact Story

Fethia leads a Life Skills Training for Girls session for her peers in Ethiopia through the My Choice for My Life project contributed to by supporters in Canada and the Government of Canada.
Fethia leads a Life Skills Training for Girls session for her peers in Ethiopia through the My Choice for My Life project contributed to by supporters in Canada and the Government of Canada.

“We learn a lot from these conversations, and my friends and I have changed our attitudes. Now, everybody is against child marriage.” – Fethia, a 13-year-old Life Skills Training for Girls participant in Ethiopia with the Plan International My Choice for My Life project contributed to by supporters in Canada and the Government of Canada.

Fethia leads sessions with her peers on early and forced marriage, sexual health and reproductive rights and gender equality. She says that since the sessions began, there has been a noticeable change in how parents treat girls and boys in her community and that forced marriage has declined. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

For other frequently asked questions, click here.

Where is this initiative carried out?

Plan International is active in more than 80 countriWhaes worldwide. Life Skills Training for Girls initiatives occur in 46 countries, including Bangladesh, Cameroon and Tanzania.

What will my donation go toward?

Your donation to Life Skills Training for Girls will go to community-led projects around the world in countries like Bangladesh, Cameroon and Tanzania, tackling gender inequality and exclusion issues and helping advance children’s rights and equality for girls. If the money raised exceeds project requirements or cannot be used as planned due to unforeseen circumstances, it will support similar activities for the children and communities most in need.

How do matched gifts work?

Plan International Canada works with funding partners, such as government, foundations and organizational partners, to match donations. The match ratio varies and is based on the financial commitment of the funding partner. The match ratio is five times for Life Skills Training for Girls.

Will I get a tax receipt for my donation? 

You will receive a tax receipt for any donation over $25.

Cumulative donations of $25 or more made before 11:59 p.m. ET on December 31 are tax-deductible. The matched amount does not qualify. Receipts for income tax purposes for one-time donations will be issued within 24 hours of the donation, and receipts for recurring donations will be issued in February of the following year. 

(CRA charity registration # 11892 8993 RR0001)

All Plan International Canada supporters with an email address on record will receive their tax receipts electronically to help save paper and keep costs low, maximizing funds for Plan International Canada initiatives. If you want to change your preferences, please get in touch with us at or 1-800-387-1418.

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