Nearly 1 billion children — almost half the children in our world — live in crisis, facing dangers like food shortages in Ethiopia or conflict in Sudan. Now you can help be a lifeline.

An earthquake can rumble for 10 seconds, and a girl could be out of school for 10 months. A drought can last one season, and a child could be out of food for a year.

An armed group can sweep through a boy’s community in Haiti in one week, and he could live in a camp for displaced people for the rest of his childhood. Violence in Gaza could force a girl to flee her home, and she could be attacked on the road.

Children, especially girls, are the most at risk in an emergency and the most overlooked. Every minute can mean the difference between life and death. So, we must act even faster. We are determined to help save lives within 72 hours of disaster striking.

Your donation to the Children in Crisis Response Fund will accomplish twice as much to: 

Nearly 1 billion children — almost half the children in our world — live in crisis, facing dangers like food shortages in Haiti or conflict in Sudan or Gaza. Now you can help be a lifeline.

Children, especially girls, are the most at risk in an emergency and the most overlooked. Every minute can mean the difference between life and death. So, we must act even faster. We are determined to help save lives within 72 hours of disaster striking.

Your doubled donation to the Children in Crisis Response Fund will accomplish twice as much to: 

Immediately deliver life-saving essentials such as:







Health, first aid and hygiene supplies 

Set up long-lasting critical services like:

Safe spaces




Psychological first aid 


Art and play therapy 

Your support will enable the fastest possible protection of children’s lives, rights and dignity as soon as an emergency strikes by:

Eleen, 8, enagages with Plan staff member at the IDP shelter  .

Protecting children

from violence and creating safe spaces

Plan International distributes emergency food kits containing rice, oil, salt and beans to families affected by the hunger crisis in Niger.

Distributing crucial aid

like food, water, cash assistance, hygiene kits, menstrual pads, household items and shelter materials. 

Family sit amid rubble of their home in Rafah

Offering mental health and trauma support

and referrals to specialized services to children who have lost their families. 

Girls paddle a homemade raft in their flooded community in Bangladesh which is affected by climate change.

Strengthening communities’ resilience to climate disasters

with tools and the latest techniques.

Children paint pictures in a Plan International child-friendly safe space established following a hurricane in Nicaragua.

Continuing children’s education

by providing learning materials and spaces.

Conflicts and humanitarian crises are escalating across the globe in places like Haiti, Sudan and Gaza.

Support the Children in Crisis Response Fund now.

Jacklyn, 12, waits with her family for transport to Renk transit centre

We came from Khartoum yesterday. There were bombs and gunshots that crossed our path on our way here. There was no time to carry anything. We came with what was on our body. We want food. We used to eat and sleep on beds but now we stay under a small tree for shade and shelter. We just want to go to a safe place. I want the war to end so we can go back home. I want to go back to school."

Jacklyn, 12, who now lives in a transit settlement in South Sudan after fleeing conflict in Sudan.

I want the war to end so we can go back home. I want to go back to school."

Jacklyn, 12, who now lives in a transit settlement in South Sudan after fleeing conflict in Sudan.

How the fund works



Supporters like you create a ‘ready to deploy’ fund for crises. 

A Crisis Hits


Our in-country experts assess and act fast.   



Community-led relief efforts begin with help from the fund.  



We work with the community to rebuild even after others leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What emergency situations will this fund respond to?

The fund will be used to respond as quickly as possible to a new or worsening humanitarian crisis. Within 72 hours, it will help save lives and protect children and their families from suffering or losing their right to dignity. Crises can be caused by:

  • extreme weather events, from long-lasting droughts to more immediate hazards like cyclones;
  • conflict or other social or political instability that endangers people or forces them to flee their homes;
  • other environmental or human-made emergencies like explosions or epidemics.

The fund will also help Plan International be proactive and reduce the damaging effects of disasters by, for example, distributing shelter items or other supplies in advance of a forecasted hurricane or other extreme weather.

Where will this fund be used?

Plan International operates in more than 80 countries worldwide. This fund will support crisis relief anywhere that Plan International responds, including in communities where we partner with other humanitarian organizations. Learn more about where we work.

Does this fund only help children?

No. Our emergency relief efforts support entire communities including women and men. We prioritize those who are most at risk, including adolescent girls who are overlooked and excluded from protection in emergencies. We advocate for the unique needs and rights of girls to be part of disaster policies and programs.

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