Beat the Clock
The World Economic Forum estimates it will take 131 years to achieve gender equality.
The World Economic Forum estimates it will take
131 years to achieve gender equality.
Tick-tock, let’s smash that clock!
As part of a global organization dedicated to advancing children’s rights in more than 80 countries, we believe that girls deserve better. We know what better looks like, and we’ve seen the ripple effect of positive change that occurs every time a girl steps into her potential.
Yet, at this rate, it’ll take FIVE more generations for the gender gap in health, education and political and economic participation to close.
We can’t wait that long.
As part of our first-ever global brand awareness campaign, we’re asking everyone who knows us (and everyone who doesn’t!) to help make change happen faster by watching, liking and sharing this short, powerful video.
Together, we will #BeatTheClock.
Urgent: Act now to support children in crisis
Humanitarian crises are escalating across the globe. Support Children in Crisis Response Fund now.
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Millions of children around the world are denied access to basic human rights. Become a sponsor and help children and their communities access their rights to education, health care, safety and more. Join 200,000 Canadian child sponsors who are making a real difference in children’s lives.
Gifts of Hope
Gifts of Hope are real gifts that go to real projects in the communities where we work, providing tangible goods and vital services like school supplies and health care to children and families who need it most.
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