A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has struck Myanmar, causing widespread devastation. Help children and families impacted by donating to the Children in Crisis Response Fund
close5 Ways to End Poverty
5 Tools to end poverty
Poverty rates have been on a steady decline and have been cut by more than half since 2000. But there is still lots of work to do as the fact remains that about 8% of the world's populations, or 648 million people, live in extreme poverty, which means they survive on less than US$2.15 per day. Poverty is often passed from one generation to the next. By focusing our work on these 5 areas, Plan International works to give children, families and communities the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. These include:
1. Quality education
Poverty is the number one reason why millions of children are out of school. Yet, education is one of the best solutions to reduce poverty. Education provides children with the knowledge and life skills to realize their full potential. Plan International helps children access quality education by training teachers, building new schools and breaking down barriers that prevent many children – girls in particular – from attending and staying in school.
2. Access to Health care
Access to health care is essential. Globally, countless deaths could be prevented if affordable health services and interventions were more readily available for everyone. Plan International helps communities build health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine. Our projects support quality maternal newborn and child health services, sexual reproductive health rights, safe water and hygiene as well as prevention and treatment of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Read more about how our innovative approach changed the birth story for 1.5 million+ women and children in five countries.
3. Water & sanitation
Water and sanitation are essential for every child's survival. More than a quarter of the world's entire population lack access to safe drinking water at home. Plan International helps communities build school latrines and community water points. We also help establish organizations to ensure water points' continued management and maintenance. When families have access to clean water, children are more likely to stay in school, girls are protected from the threat of sexual violence and harassment, and mothers and newborns experience much better outcomes during pregnancy and childbirth.
4. Economic security
Economic security means people have the skills and resilience to withstand hard economic times and grow their incomes. Plan International works to overcome poverty by helping communities around the world gain the financial security they need to thrive. We work with partners to provide skills training and education to help people secure a livelihood and support their families. In 2022, 15,393 children and adults were helped through economic-empowerment initiatives. Read more about our work in our annual report.
5. Child participation
Child participation means that children are at the center of everything we do. Plan International helps children learn their rights and take active roles within their community. Child participation helps children engage in citizenship, express their views and make decisions that will shape their future and influence the people around them. Here in Canada, Plan International Canada's programming for youth connects young people around the world to share ideas on global issues that cut across borders, such as climate change, menstrual health equity, mental health and self-esteem.
Did you know that period poverty affects 500 million people worldwide, impacting their health, well-being and participation in daily life? Read ‘The Hidden Cost of Periods: A Canadian Perspective,’ a Plan International Canada conducted survey of 1,000 women aged 18-plus, which exposes ongoing menstrual stigma and access barriers faced by Canadian women, hindering their education, employment and mental health.
You can also help end poverty
Although ending poverty will be no easy feat, increasing access to the necessities listed above are crucial in helping children, families and entire communities lift themselves out of poverty.
You can help by supporting our work in developing countries around the world.
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