This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 5X.
Your $60 gift is matched 5x for a $360 value
Mental Health Support for Children

This gift connects children suffering trauma from war, conflict or disasters with a range of mental health and psychosocial services. It creates safe spaces for children to access therapeutic outlets like arts, sports and social connection to support emotional healing, as well as professional care and counselling from trained social workers. It even works to reunite children and parents or guardians separated by emergencies and helps orphaned children secure safe foster families. Give this gift to help a survivor find their lifeline.

Other suggested gifts
$50 matched for $250 value

Fill schools in low-income countries with all the essentials to give students the best possible education and the best possible start to life. With this gift, you'll help provide basics such as textbooks and pencils and you'll be funding essential school meal programs and teacher training.


This gift goes wherever the greatest needs are for children across more than 50 countries around the world. It provides everything from urgent and essential care for newborns to nutritious food for families to aid for communities in crises…and so much more. Give this gift to help reach those who need it most, no matter what arises.

$65 matched for $325 value

The gift of a bike means freedom and self-reliance for many girls worldwide. It swaps long, unsafe walks for access to education, health care and opportunities to earn a living. This gift also gives health workers motorbikes to reach people in remote regions. Talk about pedal power.

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