This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 4X.
Your $5500 gift is matched 4x for a $27500 value
Digital Safe Spaces for Girls

Girls can’t reach their full potential without safe, equal access to information technology – but you can help them bridge the digital divide. This gift can provide girls with devices and data plans and helps establish safe online spaces for girls, led by girls. In these spaces, girls can access information, build social networks, learn about their rights and share opinions without fear of discrimination or harassment. They can also seek help with the promise of anonymity and confidentiality, and build a thriving community unbound by borders. You’ll help transform barriers into opportunities to empower girls – online and offline.

Other suggested gifts
$7500 matched for $97500 value

Break down barriers to health care by tackling the stigmas that prevent millions of marginalized individuals from accessing life-saving treatment. Your gift will help empower women, girls and members of the LGBTQ+ community to assert their rights by helping them secure medical, legal and psychological support services. This gift helps ensure every person can survive and thrive as their authentic selves.

$3000 matched for $9000 value

Girls' perspectives belong everywhere decisions are made. This gift engages girls in Canada and around the world, including those in refugee camps, in decision making. Through seat shares, advisory panels, innovation hubs, consultation sessions and more, this gift helps girls have meaningful interactions with governments, corporations and civil-society organizations. It supports training for girls that builds their leadership skills as well as community sessions for girls' perspectives to be both heard and factored into decisions.

$2500 matched for $20000 value

No child should go hungry – and this gift can help make sure they never do. Through both food distribution and agricultural support, this gift helps ensure that girls and families in regions most challenged by climate change not only have nourishing meals for a day but also their own sustainable sources for a full, healthy lifetime.

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