Climate, Canadian Youth

Female-led conservation group fighting deforestation in Kenya’s Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests

Where Trees Tell Stories

Through tree planting and football, community leader Caroline Kiti is helping rebuild a section of the Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests in Kenya, with help from Plan International’s Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems (COSME) project.

Words by: Millicent Mutheu
Photography by: Armstrong Too
Reading time: 6 minutes


A smiling woman stands in the centre of the picture, holding a small plastic bag that contains a seedling. She is surrounded by other women who are bent over tending to other seedlings. A smiling woman stands in the centre of the picture, holding a small plastic bag that contains a seedling. She is surrounded by other women who are bent over tending to other seedlings.

two girls playing football

Learn how a soccer game in Bolivia is teaching men and women about gender equality on and off the field.

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Nhial Deng

Nhial Deng grew up in Kenya in one of the largest refugee camps in the world. Today, he’s attending university in Canada and on a mission to empower youth voices.

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A girl in a white shirt holds her first up in the air against a background of the sky

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