This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 5X.
Your $80 gift is matched 5x for a $480 value
Clean Water for Families

When you don’t have access to clean water, you’ll go to any lengths to find it. The burden of finding safe drinking water usually falls on girls, who must travel long distances every day – missing school and leaving them vulnerable to risky situations along the way. Community-based water solutions, complemented by training on proper sanitation and hygiene, keep girls safe and in school, bringing water and — peace of mind — to everyone.

Other suggested gifts

Food Basket

7x match
$50 matched for $400 value

Filled with staples like beans, cooking oil, fortified cereal blends and sugar, it’s a basic food basket with an impact that is anything but. This gift of food for thousands of pregnant women, mothers and young children under five who are malnourished is a critical step to prevent a slide into a life-and-death situation and instead restore children to health. Basket by basket, you’ll be saving lives.


This gift goes wherever the greatest needs are for children across more than 50 countries around the world. It provides everything from urgent and essential care for newborns to nutritious food for families to aid for communities in crises…and so much more. Give this gift to help reach those who need it most, no matter what arises.

$100 matched for $1300 value

The goal is to End HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria infections around the world by 2030. It's a big, bold, audacious goal, and you can help make it happen. This gift supports the efforts of government and health care workers to provide communities with awareness, prevention tools and treatment.

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