This Gift is Matched! The value multiplies by 4X.
Your $10 gift is matched 4x for a $50 value
A Book

A book is the most basic of objects, essentially a pile of paper and ink. But combine it with the curious mind of a child and a book ignites change of the world-shifting variety. Give a teacher a book and it opens a world of hope and possibility for students. It really is as simple as this – buy a book, put it in the hands of a teacher or child, change lives. A pile of books stacks up to a bundle of dreams and a heap of possibilities. Books inspire young minds, nurture burgeoning imaginations and impart the desire and know-how to change the world. Put books in the hands of boys and girls and help them turn the page to a better day for themselves and their communities.

Other suggested gifts
$18 matched for $90 value

Fill schools in low-income countries with all the essentials to give students the best possible education and the best possible start to life. With this gift, you'll help provide basics such as textbooks and pencils and you'll be funding essential school meal programs and teacher training.


This gift goes wherever the greatest needs are for children across more than 50 countries around the world. It provides everything from urgent and essential care for newborns to nutritious food for families to aid for communities in crises…and so much more. Give this gift to help reach those who need it most, no matter what arises.

$25 matched for $150 value

This gift provides girls in low-income countries with pads and period education so they can stay healthy, safe and in school and are able to access the same opportunities as boys. It also supports community education programs that address the shame-inducing stigmas that are associated with one of the most natural events in a girl's life.

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